Organic farming works best within healthy ecosystems, and those can sometimes be found, or made, in urban settings like Hali’s. Our wetlands restoration project has been one of Hali’s biggest projects, led by amphibian specialist Purnima Govindarajulu. After many years of work and waiting, we’ve finally had proof that it’s all been worthwhile – Purnima is proud to announce the arrival of long-toed salamander larvae, born and bred in the pond of our very own wetlands. If you haven’t followed the progress made in this one-of-a-kind urban biodiversity project – turning a weedy corner of the property into a thriving wetlands – check out our video.
Congratulations! It’s a…long-toed salamander!
by Haliburton Farm | Jun 4, 2013 | Urban Biodiversity Project | 0 comments