Another month another work party! You’re invited — September 13 from 10am-12noon. Please email us if you’d like to come!
What we have planned for our next work party: a cleanup of a small corner of the farm that we call the Society Land, which has been used for educational/demonstration purposes. We’ll be weeding, pruning, gathering seeds and cutting back the raspberry canes. Some delicious snacks will follow, and a farm tour for those who are interested.
Here’s how last month looked (with thanks to our volunteer Miho Lindley for her snaps!) – we had some awesome volunteers who shifted serious quantities of wood chips, kept themselves hydrated and stuck around for a tour and some chips afterwards.

- Please do not come to the farm if you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with a COVID-positive person/unquarantined traveller
- No public access to the farm house or cooler
- Please bring your own hand sanitizer
- Respect social distancing (2 metres) with farmers and workers
- Please wash or sanitize your hands before using farm tools or touching common surfaces (including farm stand produce)
- The washroom is available if necessary; please use supplied disinfectant and paper towels to sanitize all touchable surfaces after use
- Masks/face coverings are not needed on work parties as long as you respect 2 metre distancing from others; but please bring and wear one if you have any concerns
- We will take note of your name/phone/email for contact tracing purposes only; these will not be shared with any third party