A community-supported, certified organic educational farm.

Our VisioN
Our vision is to be a leading model of community-supported, small-scale sustainable organic agriculture carried out in harmony with local ecosystems. Learn more about us.

Our ProducE
We supply healthy, organic food to our community through our farmer’s weekly CSA food box, our on-site Farm Stand, and sell at local farmer’s markets.

Our Outreach
We provide learning opportunities for farmers and community members. Learn with us! Come for a farm and biodiversity tour.

Our Commitment
We believe that small scale organic farming is compatible with maintaining and restoring ecosystem health. Learn more about our urban wetland and our commitment to biodiversity.
News from the Farm
Work Parties!
With the recent relaxation of provincial health guidelines, we're eager to welcome volunteers back onto the farm! The guidelines specify a maximum of 10 people, outdoors only, and sticking to a regular group. Hopefully the guidelines will relax further going forward...
Saturday eggs at the farmstand!
If you didn't know, the happy chickens at @makohafarm are producing lots of beautiful eggs! Every Saturday between 11am and 1pm, Makoha has an egg stand set up at the Haliburton community farm stand. They have also had seeds, seed potatoes, and a bit of produce. Very...
BC’s Virtual Seedy Saturday, Feb 19, 20 & 21
Hali is delighted to be part of BC Virtual Seedy Saturday (Feb 19, 20, 21) - and the program is now up: http://www.bcseeds.org/schedule/ This event has been organized by Vancouver’s Farm Folk City Folk, and involves participation...
Seedy Saturday 2021!
Happy new year! Last year around this time we were getting ready to gather at the Gardens at HCP for our annual Saanich Seedy Saturday. We were lucky to have been the first of the year in Canada, and thus escaped lockdown. It was, as always, a popular, well attended...
December Farm Work Party – cancelled
Currently as our province is in a new state of COVID-19 lockdown, very sadly we have had to cancel our December work party. Although we have carefully spaced and followed protocols, we are bound by the public health order which asks us not to hold events (and defines...
Soil Quality Survey
Calling all BC farmers who care about the soil! Help us to change the policy paradigm of BC agriculture by completing a survey at https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/QRYZMDF. Your input will help to draw connections between farmer health, soil quality and product quality,...